Pipe Jacking

1500mm OD Tunnel Boring Machine under Roadway followed by Concrete Pipe & 5000 Hydraulic Pump Unit

1500mm OD Tunnel Boring Machine under Roadway followed by Concrete Pipe & 5000 Hydraulic Pump Unit

Neptune has been a leader in the application of pipe jacking techniques for the past thirty years and has installed pipe in a wide range of soil conditions throughout Western Canada.

This technology involves installing pipe behind a shield or tunneling machine by using hydraulic jacks (cylinders) pushing from a drive shaft.

The pipe installed forms a continuous string in the ground and is used to give access to the tunnel face and to remove spoil from tunneling operations.

Main applications include:

         - Installing concrete storm sewers

         - Installing steel sleeves into which utilities can be placed

This method can be used to install concrete, steel, or other pipe material (i.e. Hobas), 1200mm to 2400mm in diameter over distances up o 300m to exact tolerances